I know, this is kind of old news….but it still makes me shake my head…
Oh my God! Dont talk to me like I’m some kind of normal person! (Lindsay Lohan, 7th Ave & 9th St, New York City)
Fot someone who usually has a lot to say, I just dont even know where to begin with this one. Its just so…so..I dont even know. Like really..dont talk to me like Im some kind of a normal person? What the heck is she thinking? Okay, granted, she might be a member of ACTRA/Equity, she may have a CD of her own, and she may have had starring roles in films since she was about 10 (including playing her own identical twin) but that does not make her non-normal. I suppose that if having done something not everyone has done makes you a non-normal person, than I could say that because I have, oh I dont know, been to..Russell, Manitobat hat makes me a non-standard, therefore more important person that everyone else. Nothing against Russell. They have a very nice community center. And a..Saan store. There was also a large pile of snow there when I was there and we climbed it.
But still, I cant even begin to figure out what made Lindsay Lohan think that she had the right to claim that she is superior to others just because of a little fame. In context, her own production assistant was telling her that she was needed on set. Wow. An actor being needed on set. Man. That’s unthinkable. Totally unthinkable. As an actor myself, I wish I had my own PA who would tell me when I was needed somewhere. It would make life so much easier.