I found this while randomly wandering around the internet, and so decided that I would do it as well. Because it is always interesting to see other peoples blogs and learn more about them, right?
This blog is sort of new. I have actually owned www.tylerparker.ca for around a year, and have blogged in the past, but decided one day that I should actually do something with it and thought that blogging would be a fun way to do that. It really is a random hodgepodge of information and includes blogs, vlogs, pictures, and links to things I find online (and often make fun of).
10 things you don’t know about me
- When I was 5, I was in the hospital because I had been diagnosed as a diabetic. While there, one of the other kids thought that it would be fun to try and strangle me with the headphones for their TV. I called for a nurses help, and was told they would get there when they had a chance. I had to keep bugging them for a long time until they finally came and helped me. After that, my dad had to sit in a chair in the room until everyone was asleep to make sure it didn’t happen again.
- Another time, I was in a pool at a birthday party and one of the other kids there decided to try and drown me by holding me under the water.
- I can pull off a pretty good British accent, a passable Irish accent (somewhat), and can also sound like a valley girl. I have no use for these skills, but I can do it.
- Although I technically sing as a tenor, I can thrown my voice and drop it to a bass when needed. Again, I have not been able to find a use for this.
- I have been told I look anywhere from 16-30. It all seems to depend on the time of day and the lighting. Of course, the time I was told I looked 30, I was working in healthcare and we were into hour 10 out of 12 and on day 3 or 4, so that could have had something to do with it.
- I work for the organization that looks after sports and lotteries here, and most of my day is spend on Facebook, pretending that I am working, because I don’t often have much to do. But when it does get busy, I usually end up having to do around 3 or 4 things at the same time.
- I once had a friend yell at me that I was allergic to sugar. We were at our exhibition (fair) and I was fairly certain that me and her were going to get arrested. We didn’t.
- I once saw MC Hammer live. I seriously wish that I could take that back.
- I once became a Straflee Cadet and was asked by a Vulcan if I was hiding a tribble in my backpack. I wasn’t.
- I once sang through the entire musical RENT between classes in school with a friend of mine because we were bored and had four hours between classes.
The thing about these ten facts is, no matter how bizarre they may be, they are all true. Although there more that likely isn’t photographic evidence of much of it (thankfully, I might add), there is probably much more to the story that I put on here.
A final story
When I was in Bible College, we had something called brother and sister dorms. Now, my sister dorm and my dorm got along really well (usually – one time they stole our bear skull). Anyways, we decided that it would be kinda funny to kidnap them all and invite them on a dorm date during open dorms (the guys can either go and visit the girls dorms or vice versa – it changed each month). So, we loaded them all up into cars, took them out into a field, and surrounded them and then shone headlights at them. Which, sounds creepy – but Bible College culture is…different. We then read a declaration that had wording like “Since the beginning of time, there has existed the sacred institution of the dorm date”. So, we invited them on this date. For a couple days, we didn’t hear anything, but eventually, we came out of our dorm and found a rubber chicken head (where they got one..I have no idea) with a small note attached to it that read “We accept. Love, LA”. The dorms name was Lewis Apartments, so that is why it was shortened to LA. Anyways, this was typical of the way that dorm date invitations went. Until we started to attack other dorms, because we had declared ourselves an independent country – but that is a story for another time…if the general lets us tell it.